API Reference

The Arsenic superclass provides a fairly large number of functions and variables to make designing modules easy. Note that all things mentioned here must start with self.


These are traditional variables passed by Arsenic, many of them started out as arguments in the early API.


This is a boolian indicating if the user of the command is an operator or not.

if self.isop:
    do something


This is a boolian indicating if the user of the command is an owner or not, when this is true isop is always true.

if self.isowner:
    do something


This is a string declaring the type of hook used to activate the callback, this is one of the following:

  • privmsg
  • userjoin
if self.type == 'privmsg':
    do something


This is a string which contains the name of the actual ^command passed to activate it. Note that it will never include the key character. (defaults to ^)

if self.command == 'hello':
    do something


This is a string containing the full message including the hook.

print self.message
>>> ^echo I am a bot
print self.command
>>> echo
print self.message.split(self.command, 1)[1]
>>> I am a bot


This is the full hostmask of the user calling the command, it goes in nickname!username@hostname order.

print self.user
>>> joe!rocks@isp.com
name = self.user.split('!',1)[0]
print 'Hello, !' % (name)
>>> Hello, Joe!


This the a string of the channel the modules being called from, please be aware that when the bot is messaged the channel is self.nickname and not self.user. Failure to follow this can cause infinite loops!

if self.channel.startswith('#'):
    self.msg(self.channel, 'we are in a channel!')
    name = self.user.split('!',1)[0]
    self.msg(name, 'We are messaging!')


Typically only used for supporting specific API versions, returns a string.

print self.ver
>>> '1.0.0'


This is the bots own nickname, useful for ignoring itself.

print self.nickname
>>> 'supercoolbot107'


msg(channel, message)

This function sends the message to the specified channel, silently failing if the channel isn't joined.

self.msg(self.channel, 'Hi guys!')

me(channel, message)

This function is just like msg but performs an action like /me would.

self.me(self.channel, 'dances')

notice(channel, message)

This function sends a notice, sorta like using /notice.

self.notice(self.channel, 'I want to piss people off with alerts.')


This sets the bot as away.



This sets marks the bot as returned.


join(channel, optional=key)

Joins a channel, providing a key if needed.

self.msg('#secret-test-channel', 'Hey friends!')

leave(channel, optional=reason)

Normally parts from a channel optionally stating why in the message.

self.leave('secret-test-channel', 'Too secret for me tbh')

kick(channel, user, optional=reason)

Attempts to kick a user from a channel with an optional reason, fails silently if this does not work.

self.kick('#top-secret-channel', annoying_troll, 'Trolling')

topic(channel, optional=topic)

Sets the topic of the channel, when no topic is passed it blanks it out. Note that this also silently fails.

self.topic('#secret-room', 'Welcome to the secret!')

mode(channel, set, modes, optional=user, optional=limit)

This sets the mode of a channel to the letters passed to modes. set is a boolian that controls if the mode should be enabled on or off. Limit is used for flags like +l that limit the number of users. User is who to apply the flag to.

self.msg(self.channel, True, 'o', user='alan')
>>> the_kgb sets mode +o on alan


Attempts to set the bots nickname to this, note that it will silently fail without feedback if taken so please check self.nickname.

while self.nickname != 'admin':

persistent storage


Store is a system for sharing data between modules with minimal external work. All data stored in it is 100% public to all other modules.

To store and read data simply add a new attribute and set a value, it can then be accessed anywhere else during the life of the program.

Module a:

self.store.counter = 0
self.store.oldvalue = 3

Module b:

value = self.store.oldvalue
print value
>>> 3
self.store.counter += 1
self.store.newvalue = value + 1

Module a:

print self.store.counter
>>> 1
print self.store.newvalue
>>> 4
print value
>>> NameError: name 'value' is not defined


Lockers expand on the concept of store while removing the shared aspect, letting us use scope to create per-module stores, much like lockers. This is handy when you're worried about modules naming persisting variables the same thing or want to protect data from other modules.

Module a:

self.store.value = 1
self.locker.value = 2

Module b:

print self.store.value
>>> 1
print self.locker.value
>>> persist instance has no attribute 'value'
self.store.value = 5
self.locker.value = 6

Module a:

print self.store.value
>>> 5
print self.locker.value
>>> 2

Configuration settings

The long term configuration system allows you to store data like API keys and passwords in an isolated scope helping prevent issues like people storing billable API keys directly in a modules source code.

Operators: please run help_config to manage data outside of modules.

config_set(item, value)

Stores data to the config file.

self.config_set('api_key', '123456')

config_get(item, default=False)

Fetches a value from a config item. Returns optional default if not found, or False otherwise.

>>> 123456

config_remove(item, value)

Removes an item, returns False if it doesn't exist.

>>> True

>>> False



A standard profile object, items stored:

Item description example
username A users internal username. steve
nickname A users nickname. this!something@something
ident A users ident. something!this@something
hostname A users hostname. something!something@this
userhost A users complete hostmask. all!of@this
lat A users latitude. -6.34406322
lon A users longitude. -145.0785707
unit A users unit, defaults to us. us, si, ca, uk2
gender A users gender, True for male and False for female. True
height A users height in cm 163
weight A users weight in kg 58
privacy Reports if a user has privacy enabled, returns a bool. True
isverfied Reports if a user is verified, returns a bool. True
isop Reports if a user is an op, reports a bool. False
trusted Reports if a user is trusted, reports a bool. True


Registers a user, typically called automatically

The usermask is returned upon success, False otherwise.



Returns a Profile object from a usermask, registers a user if none exists.



Returns a profile object by username alone, user is marked not trusted!

False is returned if no user exists.



Returns a profile object by nickname alone, user is marked not trusted!

False is returned if no user exists.


update(username, etc (see below))

argument type example
username required joe
nickname optional joe123
ident optional ~jman
hostname optional 123.ca.us.isp.com or a.cool.guy
lat optional -6.34406322
lon optional -145.0785707
unit optional ca
gender optional True for male
height optional 163 in cm
weight optional 58 in kg
privacy optional True
isverfied optional False
isop optional False

Updates a users profile data. Only username is required, returns False if a user doesn't exist.

Please pass the same format of data returned by the Profiles objects as documented above.

self.profileManager.update('username', privacy=True, unit='ca', lat='-6.34406322', lon='-145.0785707')